March 30th 2020
COVID-19: A message from Manolete
The necessary movement and work restrictions put in place to prevent the further spread of the COVID-19 virus have naturally had a huge financial impact on many thousands of British businesses and households.
There has subsequently been a flood of new enquiries to Insolvency Practitioners and their lawyers - that has also impacted significantly on the progress of existing cases.
These are truly unprecedented times and the insolvency sector has made the health and welfare of their staff and clients paramount.
However, businesses need professional help and advice, now more than ever. This message is a reminder that Manolete is very much open for business and is here to support the vital work of IPs and lawyers in these most testing of times.
Manolete is fully operational. All employees in our regional offices work from home and employees in our London headquarters have been working from home for the last three weeks. Where cashflow is now a critical issue in progressing cases, our substantial resources are ready for your deployment.
The Courts are conducting hearings by telephone and video conferencing and we are making every effort to progress claims expeditiously. Where possible, Manolete will conduct mediations and other Alternative Dispute Resolution meetings, mainly using video conferencing services, during this current period of social distancing.
We all very much look forward to when the familiar rhythm of work returns but until that time Manolete is fully set to support your requirements.
Please visit our website to contact the relevant local team member.
Best wishes
Steven Cooklin
Chief Executive, Manolete Partners PLC